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June 05, 2019

Project partners had last meeting - conference in TALLINN on 2019-05-27/29. Thanks to all  who participated!

June 04, 2019

Yet two new culture tourism routes based on cultural footprints are ready. Welcome to discover Latvian footprints in Estonia and Artistical cultural heritage in Swedish.


May 27, 2019

In 2019-05-27/29 project partners  meet in TALLINN .

May 18, 2019

Two new culture tourism routes based on cultural footprints are ready. Welcome to discover Lithuanian footprints in Latvia, Liepaja and Swedish footprints in Western Lithuania.


February 8, 2019

Project partners meeting in snowy Kuldiga took place on 2019-01-29/30/31. Thanks to all we finally have the route planing methodology!

February 5, 2019

Within the project Research activities on Cultural tourism situation, common identities and the cultural footprints in Baltic – Nordic countries there were conluded a number of amazing facts about symbols used on top of the Church towers in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania.

January 15, 2019

In 2019-01-29/30/31 project partners  meet in KULDIGA .

October 25, 2018

Lithuanian touristic route planning training ended up with a new prepared touristic route based on French footsteps in Western part of Lithuania. A pilot tour on a newly prepared route took place on October 19. 

October 15, 2018

 On 21 - 29st October Tourist Routes Planning Training under the project "Informal Adults’ Education for Cultural Tourism Promotion between the Baltic and Nordic Countries (NPAD-2017/10048)" takes place in Liepaja University .

September 25, 2018

15 adults, specialist working in the field of culture and tourism 20-21st of September participated in Tourist Routes Planning Training under the project "Informal Adults’ Education for Cultural Tourism Promotion between the Baltic and Nordic Countries (NPAD-2017/10048)".

TMPM facebook postas 2.jpg
August 11, 2018

Training on Cultural footprints route planning. Klaipėda  20-21st of September,  11-12th and 19th of October.

June 22, 2018

Folksuniversitetet in Uppsala hosted third partners meeting which was held 31st of May - 1st of June 2018.

May 28, 2018

Third Project meeting in Uppsala coming soon!

We present an agenda...

April 10, 2018

Second partners meeting took place in Latvia, Liepaja University 5-6 of April. The main purpose of the meeting was to present culture interaction between Baltic and Nordic countries and to share insights in to the cultural Footprints.

February 6, 2018

February 2, 2018,  project participants Asoc. prof. Inese Lusena - Ezera and lekt. Ilze Grospina participated in the 76th Scientific  Conference of the University of Latvia "Current Issues in Tourism Development, Education and Research in the Baltic Sea Region".

November 24, 2017

November 23/24, 2017, project participants from Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania had meeting in Klaipėda. The Swedish partner was not able to participate in the meeting. Project Manager Laurencija Budrytė-Ausiejienė has presented meeting agenda for Kick-Off meeting.

All project partners have presented their institutions and their own experience in the field of cultural tourism.

© 2017-2019  Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences. 

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